General Preferences
The General preferences section is where you can find and control several important features of the QuickPractice software such as toggling the Auto Save feature as well as a reminder to back your database up upon exiting the program.

It is important to remember, the settings you change here will only affect the practice data file from which you are setting them from. If you have more than one database, the general preferences will not be changed in all database files simply from editing them in one. You must change the preferences in each database separately.

Refer to the following screenshot and corresponding diagram as a reference for each preference item and its use/function.
  • Show Reminders On Startup - Checking this box toggles on/off the automatic reminders screen when you initiate the QuickPractce software.
  • Auto Save Practice on Startup - Checking this box toggles on/off the auto save feature*
  • Remind To Backup on Exiting - Checking this box toggles on/off a reminder to back up your practice each time you exit the program.
  • Resize Forms to Screen Resolution - Checking this box will resize all screens in the software to match your current display resolution i.e. the smaller your display resolution, the smaller the screens will appear within the software.
  • Use ID Field for Selecting/Searching Diagnosis Codes - Checking this box toggles on/off the option to tag a custom identification code to each item in your diagnosis codes list. Using this feature will allow you to type in the ID code when searching for diagnosis codes, as opposed to searching by the actual diagnosis code number.
  • Use ID Field for Selecting/Searching Service Codes - Checking this box toggles on/off the option to tag a custom identification code to each item in your services list. Using this feature will allow you to type in the ID code when searching for service codes in your charges screen, as opposed to searching by the actual service code number.
  • Closing Date/Password - Setting a closing date will force the software to prompt for a set password when any charges or payments are entered with a date that falls before the closing date you set. Use this feature to effectively "close your books" before starting a new practice file or permanently terminating your practice.
  • Payment Receipt Message - This preference allows you to create a customized message that will be printed  on your payment receipts.
  • Use Payment Memo For Message - Checking this box will cause the software to use the payment memo for the message seen on the payment receipt.